Friday, July 5, 2013

Morsi and Gillard, democracy and diversity

Millions of Egyptians are celebrating this week, including Coptic Christians who have suffered persecution and insecurity on Morsi’s watch and others concerned about what they regards as private freedoms. For quite a few families it is a time for mourning those who died for the crime of expressing a political opinion at a rally. I cannot imagine what it is like for the women who were raped or threatened for the same reason.  Then there are the Egyptians who voted for Morsi in a democratic election, who have just had their democratic victory snatched out of their hands.  A less significant event is the political demise of Australia’s first female prime minister due not to demonstrations in the streets but responses to pollsters gauging her popularity. As this is a Torah based blog, I need to seek some inspiration in our Torah readings.

Failure to protect grounds for renouncing an election?
The process of the Egyptian intervention based on force by the military and shutting down media stations is a serious concern. Yet, the essential question of removing a democratically elected leader bothers me less. I heard a second hand account from a Coptic woman, who escaped to Australia after her people were brutally attacked by a mob in Cairo, a kindergarten was torched, an elderly church caretaker was set alight. Unfortunately, religious intolerance has a long history. For example,  our Torah reading this week encourages destruction of pagan houses of worship[i]. Still Morsi’s government’s failure to prevent religious-based violence is a failure in fulfilling the first responsibility of government to protect the citizens. We are instructed to pray for our government because without them people would swallow each other alive[ii]. Unfortunately in Egypt the government failed in that responsibility. An election is a social contract. If events show that a dreadful mistake was made there is a need for a mechanism to correct it just as the Torah allows for vows to be annulled if circumstances change[iii]. The question is about the best process for correction and what the longer term implications will be of the military taking control and the backlash from Morsi supporters.

A leadership change In Australia
We are fortunate in Australia to have other mechanisms for removing an elected leader.
On Wednesday afternoon last week, I was busy preparing two proposals for the Australian Government and the presumed in-coming Government, the present opposition that all the polls were predicting would win in a landslide. The proposals related to the need for rigorous policies about diversity that go beyond platitudes and tokenism and also sought funding for the work we do.  Several hours later we found out that the prime minister had been removed by a party room ballot. The usurper, who had been deposed himself by the person he replaced, claimed to be answering the call of the Australian people. Putting aside judgements about the truth of the claim, it is a noble view of leadership echoed in our Torah reading two days later in which Moses is instructed to “take” or persuade Joshua to take on the leadership[iv].

Representative government and resistance to multiculturalism
I arrived in Canberra on the Thursday morning after the switch. There was an uneasy and subdued vibe in the parliament building. At my first meeting I made a robust argument for Multiculturalism to a conservative MP who argued against the word. He explained that to many of his constituents the word Multiculturalism represents license for minorities to self-segregate and the word would alienate them rather than bring them along. This approach to leadership is consistent with Moses’ asking “God of spirits of all flesh (to replace him with) a leader for the people[v]” “which is understood to mean that the leader should be the type of person “who will tolerate every person according to their distinctive spirit[vi]”. An alternative view in our tradition is that while a leader must be privately tolerant, the public persona must be forceful and fearless[vii]. I think political leadership can set a tone for the people by being a few steps ahead of them, but not too far ahead, especially in a democracy.

Cohesive society
In Australia, we generally have a consensus that racism is wrong. Historically Multiculturalism in Australia is “a construction of the state[viii]” which, despite wide acceptance by the population, has not been universally embraced - concerns have been raised about this policy being divisive. These voices have been louder in Europe where a champion of diversity, the UK chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, wrote that “Multiculturalism has run its course and it is time to move on”; “Multiculturalism has led not to integration but to segregation. It has allowed groups to live separately with no incentive to integrate[ix]. The situation in Australia is significantly different with a far greater degree of successful integration, yet segregation is a problem here too, with some young Muslims I have worked with not feeling Australian or connected to Australia at all. As the conservative MP correctly pointed out, integration is made harder due to the discrimination many young Muslims face. This level of discrimination was on display this week when an Australian MP of Bosnian Muslim heritage, despite his complete cultural integration, was attacked simply for taking an oath of office on a Koran. 

A way forward
This week we have seen the limits of which leaders need to be aware. Yet leaders still have great sway in terms of their influence. When a group of people talk to Moses and mention their sheep before their children he sets them straight and they correct the order in their next statement[x]. Teachers can challenge unhelpful ideas such as an inspiring Muslim woman educator I met recently who tells her Lebanese Muslim students that they are not victims and demands that they take responsibility for their future. A sheikh who ran a workshop with me explained to young men of Lebanese Muslim heritage that the Prophet Mohamed felt great loyalty to the Meccan pagan state because he was a citizen. He also argues that Australia with its rule of law and welfare policies is very consistent with Islamic principles. This needs to be combined with a decrease in the level of prejudice in the community as a whole against Muslims. More people need to have positive first hand experiences of interacting with the “other”. They also need to develop critical thinking skills to help process negative experiences with individuals to ensure they can still see the big picture and humanity beyond the problems.

I was in the Parliament last week at the historic question-time session with the old-new Prime Minister. It was a fascinating experience and while it was painful for the former Prime Minister, I take heart from a comment on Facebook, “in Australia we changed Prime Ministers, without an election but with no tanks in the streets”. Let us ensure we can all enjoy this blessed land free from discrimination, with the protection of benign responsible governments who enable us all to feel that we belong together. My prayers are also with the people of Egypt that justice and freedom prevail.

[i] Numbers 33:52
[ii] Pirkey Avot
[iii] Numbers 30
[iv] Numbers 27:18 as interpreted by Rashi
[v] Numbers 27:16
[vi] Rashi
[vii] Ramban
[viii] Taylor, S., Rizvi, F., Lingard, B., Henry, M., (1997). Education Policy and the Politics of Change. Oxon, Routledge
[ix] Sacks, J, (2007) The Home we build together. Continuum. London. p.3
[x] Numbers 32 compare verses 16 first sheep then children, 24 where Moses reverses the order and 26 where the people follow his cue.

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